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 EE102:  Introduction to Microelectronic Circuits
          Berkeley 微電子電路導論視頻課程
(38課時  ¥68)
Instructor: Prof. Connie Chang-Hasnain

        該門視頻課程是UC Berkekey電子工程專業(yè)本科生最基礎一門課程,講授微電子電路基礎理論知識,為電子工程專業(yè)后續(xù)課程的學習打下堅實的基礎 。課程共38講,每講50分鐘左右,包括:.rm格式的課程視頻和與視頻課程內容配套使用的完整的課程講義。有了課程講義讓您的學習更有效,在潛移默化中提高專業(yè)知識和英語能力。
        加州大學伯克萊分校(UC Berkeley)作為世界一流大學,有著世界頂級的大師,所設課程也都是精品中的精品,緊跟最新科技的進展。本站推出的美國一流大學精品視頻課程套裝,讓您足不出戶就能一睹世界一流大學大師教學的風采;聆聽大師的聲音、拓展國際化的視野、與國際水平看齊、實現(xiàn)自我價值的提升。



Course Description:

        Fundamental circuit concepts and analysis techniques. Kirchoff's laws, nodal analysis; independent and dependent sources. Thevenin, Norton equivalent circuits. Transient and AC analysis; speed and power. Phasors, Bode plots and transfer function. Filters and Op-Amps. Graphical methods for nonlinear circuits. GaussÕs Law and bandgap. Diode and FET characteristics. Diode and MOSFET circuits. Introduction to basic integrated-circuit technology and layout. Digital signals, logic gates, switching.
        An electronics laboratory is part of the course. Using and understanding electronics laboratory equipment such as: oscilloscope, power supplies, function generator, multimeter, curve-tracer, and RLC meter. Includes a term project of constructing a circuit with appropriate electromechanical device.

Course Objectives:

        This course is intended to teach basic circuit theory and principles of electronic engineering as preparation for subsequent EE courses.


        Hambley, Allan R., Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc., 2007.

Course Schedule
  Date Subjects
Week 1 8/27, 8/29, 8/31

Definition current, voltage, KCL and KVL, Ohm's law; power and energy; resistor in parallel, series; dependent sources

Week2 9/5, 9/7 Node analysis, mesh analysis
Week3 9/10, 9/12, 9/14 superposition, equivalent circuits; capacitor and inductor; intro first order circuits
Week4 9/19, 9/21, 9/26 transient response first order ckts; forced response; natural response
Week5 9/24, 9/26, 9/28 second order Ckt; Complex number; phasors; circuit analysis with complex impedance
Week6 10/1, 10/3, 10/5 dB, logrithmic algebra; Bode Plots; 1st order filters
Week7 10/10, 10/12 freq response; Bode plots; 1st and 2nd order filter;
op amp
Week8 10/15, 10/17, 10/19 Op Amps (amp, inverting amp, summing, differential, integrating, A/D)
Week9 10/22, 10/24, 10/26 Op Amp; Diode circuits (loadline analysis)
Week10 10/29, 10/31  Diode circuits (rectifier, clipper, clamping, peak detector, level shift)
Week11 11/5, 11/7, 11/9 Semiconductor Physics
Week12 11/14, 11/16 Semiconductor Physics (bandgap, doping, gauss' law and poissoin eq)
Week13 11/19, 11/21 MOSFET; NMOS; PMOS
Week14 11/26, 11/28 Inverters; Q-point and loadline analysis
Week16 12/3,12/5, 12/7 Binary numbers; Boolean Algebra; logic gates; MOSFET (model)




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